The Language Of Music

What If You Could Learn Faster Quicker Easier More Smarter Than Ever Before?

Get video tutorials and walkthroughs on how to apply these amazing techniques to your guitar. Get quizes and other supplemental interactive material to help walk you through the step by step process of becoming a smarter, better, and more methodical guitar player. Get coached by a trained professional with real world experience to make your guitar playing dreams a reality.


ABC Guitar Theory Is Currently FREE!

ABC Guitar Theory is currently in Alpha. We have lots of ideas for courses and programs but we are a small team and these ideas take time. For now, these programs will all be put on our website completely free. We’re looking for any and all feedback and ideas as we develop the website over the coming years. We really hope you enjoy the courses and find them helpful in your guitar playing journey!


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Alex Bennett

Hi! I’m Alex Bennett and I’m a Berklee trained guitar player. I’ve been a full time musician since 2012 and have made my living as a performer, studio musician, teacher, songwriter, and even sound engineer. I’ve worked with a wide variety of bands, musicians, and students. What’s allowed me to have such a diverse career? The secret is Music Theory

I’ve taught hundreds of students ranging from beginners to professionals how to harness this amazing power and take absolute control over their guitar playing. Today, I can get you started on your Guitar Theory journey and help you achieve ultimate freedom!

Do You Really Understand What You're Playing?

Tell me if you’ve had these problems.

  • You find it hard to learn new songs
  • You find it hard to remember old songs
  • You don’t know how to talk with other musicians
  • You feel creatively bankrupt
  • You feel overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s out there

I’ve felt all of these problems and then some. I’m here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be this way.

This Is Why I Built ABC Guitar Theory!

The programs inside ABC Guitar Theory are designed to help you make sense of what you’re playing. They’re an application of music theory designed specifically for the guitar.

These ideas aren’t abstract! They are hand tailored by a Berklee trained professional musician to help transfer the language of music directly to your brain and specifically for your instrument.


My Story

I was a bit of what you would call a late bloomer on the guitar. I didn’t start playing until I was sixteen years old.

One year into my guitar playing journey and I was completely self taught. Tabs were my friend and that was all I knew. Then I found myself in a band for a high school talent show. That’s when everything changed.

I wanted to write original music. I knew a few basic things like barre chords and a pentatonic scale but that was about it. Basically I mashed random things on the guitar until I heard something I liked.

But it didn’t take too long before I hit a brick wall. I had all this pent up creativity in me but didn’t know how to direct it. Worse yet, I found it hard to express my ideas to my fellow musicians. 

I decided to try my luck and auditioned for the Berklee College of Music. To my surprise I made it!

There is where I would gain the knowledge that has carried me throughout my career. Music theory, ear training, songwriting, arranging, counterpoint, production, improvisation, and so many other skills that I consider invaluable to me. These are the gifts that I want to give to you so that you can take your music journey wherever you want to.

What Do You Get At ABC Guitar Theory?

  • A complete walkthrough from beginner to advanced in Music Theory specifically designed for the guitar player.
  • An Ear Training guide so you can hear the guitar theory you’ve learned whether it’s in another song or in your mind.
  • A guide to Improvisation so you can learn to own and repackage the tools you’ve learned.
  • A guide to Songwriting to allow you to take your music theory tools and understand the emotional impacts of form, chord progressions, and much more.
  • Lessons on the Science of Sound, helping you understand the implications that sound has on tone, arrangement, and music theory.
  • A Guide to Notation giving you the instruments necessary to read and write in both standard notation and guitar tablature.

Each Program Includes....

  • A video lesson personally taught by Alex Bennett showing you the techniques needed and walking you through the process.
  • Interactive videos to cement the ideas taught in the previous lessons and to apply them to the guitar.
  • Interactive quizes to make sure you understand the lessons and concepts from past videos.
  • Question and Answer comments sections so you can ask Alex and the rest of the community questions and receive feedback on your thoughts and ideas.

FrequentlyAsked Questions

You will receive comprehensive courses on how to understand exactly what is going on in a song. You'll be given tools that not only help you learn songs faster, but also to create and improvise.

Yes you do! Learning without theory is tough. There are lots of things you can learn to do without it, but until you understand why stuff works and internalize things, you will always learn slower and spend more time trying to memorize things instead of playing and enjoying your instrument. It's better to put in the hard work now so you can enjoy the fruits of your labor sooner.

Yes. Getting a good handle on the fundamentals is important early so you can learn to organize the thoughts and ideas in your head. It's not always the most exciting thing to work on but it will pay huge dividends if you can conquer it early.

No. This is a common misconception that even I fell into in my younger days. While many people look at Music Theory as rules, I prefer to think of them as tools. By learning Music Theory you give yourself a huge arsenal of tools to build upon your creativity.

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